
  • Altimetry-observed semi-annual cycle in the South ChinaSea: Real signal or alias of K_1 tidal error?

    There have been a number of applications of satellite altimetry to seasonal and interannual sea level variability in the South China Sea. However, these applications usually exclude shallow waters along the coast, with one of the concerns being large aliased tide-correction error. In this study the authors analyzed 14 years of merged satellite altimeter data to obtain the amplitude and phase of the semi-annual cycle and to examine the variation at the K1 alias frequency (close to the semi-annual frequency). The results indicate that the amplitude of the semi-annual cycle ranges from 3-7 cm, substantial compared with that of the annual cycle; while the amplitude at the K1 alias frequency (error of the K1 tidal correction) is essentially 1 cm only. Altimeter-derived semi-annual cycle is in good agreement with that from independent tide-gauge observations, pointing to the competent ability of satellite altimetry in observing semi-annual sea level variations in the South China Sea.

    2009年05期 v.28 1-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 480K]
  • Eddy-induced cross-shelf phytoplankton transport along the downwelling coast off Western Australia

    Along the downwelling coast off Western Australia, late-austral-autumn/early-austral-winter chlorophyll a blooms are observed on the continental shelf south of the Shark Bay (26° S). The late-austral-autumn/early-austral-winter blooms are in phase with seasonal strengthening of the Leeuwin Current and its eddy field. From satellite altimeter and ocean color data , anticyclonic eddies are found to entrain the high phytoplankton biomass waters from the shelf and transport them offshore into the oligotrophic, subtropical marine environment. The late-austral-autumn/early-austral-winter blooms are highly linked with enhanced horizontal mixing by mesoscale eddies in the region, as derived from the finite-size Lyapunov exponent (FSLE) of the surface geostrophic flow field obtained from satellite altimeter data. The pathways of cross-shelf exchanges, which are mostly driven by the mesoscale eddies, are revealed with coalescing of the FSLE of the surface geostrophic flow field and the satellite chlorophyll a images.

    2009年05期 v.28 6-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 626K]
  • A new scheme for retrieving ocean surface salinity from simulated multi-angular SMOS brightness temperature

    The European Space Agency will launch the first salinity satellite for remotely sensing the global soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) at a sun-synchronous orbit in 2009. One of the payloads on the satellite is a synthetic aperture microwave radiometer (MIRAS), which is an innovative instrument designed as a two-dimensional (2D) interferometer for acquiring brightness temperature (TB) at L-band (1.4 GHz). MIRAS allows measuring TB at a series of incidences for full polarizations. As the satellite travels, a given location within the 2D field of view is observed from different incidence angles. The authors develop a new scheme to retrieve the sea-surface salinity (SSS) from SMOS's TB at multi-incidence angles in a pixel, utilizing the properties of emissivity changing with incidence angles. All measurements of a given Stokes parameter in a pixel are first fitted to incidence angles in three order polynomial, and then the smoothed data are used for retrieving the SSS. The procedure will remove the random noise in TB greatly. Furthermore, the new method shows that the error in retrieved SSS is very sensitive to the system biases in the calibrated TB of the sensor, but the error in the retrieval is also a system bias, which can be corrected by post-launch validation. Therefore, this method may also serve as a means to evaluate the calibration precision in TB.

    2009年05期 v.28 11-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 492K]
  • A study on retrieval algorithms in oceanic passive microwave remote sensing using 1.4 GHz and 10.7 GHz bands

    To retrieve sea-surface salinity (SSS) from radiometer data at 1.4 GHz, auxiliary data of sea-surface temperature (SST), surface roughness and meteorological variables are needed. The authors study oceanic passive polarimetric microwave remote sensing using 1.4 GHz and 10.7 GHz bands. A set of algorithms are developed for 1.4 GHz and 10.7 GHz microwave polarimetric radiometer at 50° incidence angle to retrieve wind vector, as well as other geophysical parameters, such as SSS, SST, atmospheric volumes of water vapor and liquid water. Idealized retrievals are conducted using 2 324 simulated brightness temperatures of full Stokes parameters at 1.4 GHz and 10.7 GHz. Results indicate that SSS, SST, sea-surface wind speed, direction, atmospheric volumes of water vapor and liquid water can be inversed at the same time. This suggests an alternative way for SSS remote sensing.

    2009年05期 v.28 18-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 877K]
  • Investigating internal waves east of the Hainan Island using optical satellite remote sensing data

    Marginal water east of the Hainan Island is where internal waves occur frequently. Few studies have been conducted on these internal waves so far, and their formation mechanism remains unclear. In this study, the author uses the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite data (CBERS) to detect and calculate the distribution, direction, wavelength and amplitude of internal waves in this area. The results show that the direction of these internal waves is offshore and their wavelength is about 150-200 m. The internal waves can be postulated as formed by upwelling or reversed tide.

    2009年05期 v.28 29-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 358K]
  • 基于两种半分析算法的水体吸收系数反演


    基于42组不同年份不同季节获得的遥感反射率、水体各组分吸收系数的实测数据,对QAA(Quasi-Analytical Algorithm)和GSM(Garver-Siegel-Maritorena)算法在寡营养的南海和富营养的福建沿岸两种不同类型水体的吸收系数反演进行了检验。以水样测量值为参考,两种算法在本研究水体中的反演成效与他人在其它水域的研究结果相当。QAA算法在南海的反演成效高于福建沿岸水体。对于443nm的总吸收系数a(443),南海的对数均方根误差RMSE为0.044,平均相对误差ε为7.9%,对数平均偏差δ为0;福建沿岸水体RMSE=0.190,ε=30.6%,δ=-0.167。GSM算法在两类水体的反演成效类似,a(443)之RMSE和ε,南海分别为0.156和27.7%,福建沿岸分别为0.146和32.1%;但从a(443)的δ值看,其在南海反演值低于实测值(δ=-0.142),在福建沿岸则略呈高于实测值(δ=0.016)。两种算法中的部分经验参数与实测值之间的差异是产生反演误差的主要原因,为了提高反演精度,对算法中经验参数的更进一步区域化调整可能是必要的。

    2009年05期 v.28 35-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 562K]
  • 利用混合光谱分解估测珠江口悬浮泥沙浓度



    2009年05期 v.28 43-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 358K]
  • 厄尔尼诺期间和后期南海海面温度的两次显著增暖过程



    2009年05期 v.28 49-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 563K]
  • 一个高分辨率太平洋-印度洋海盆环流模式的初步结果


    利用LASG/IAP发展的一个0.25°×0.25°高分辨率太平洋-印度洋海盆环流模式初步分析了模式在太平洋区域的模拟结果,并与海洋同化资料的数据以及前人的研究结果作比较,检验此模式对该区域平均气候态、年际变化的模拟能力。分析表明,模式较好地再现了海表温度(SST)分布、赤道温跃层和纬向流结构、赤道流系分布形态、海表高度以及正压流函数空间分布特征;同时,对显著的El Nio和La Nia事件的模拟等方面与Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA)2.0.2版本结果相近。此外,模式模拟北赤道流(NEC)分叉点位置的季节和年际变化以及吕宋海峡流量的年际变化与已有研究结果基本一致。进一步分析还发现,在年际尺度上,NEC分叉点位置和吕宋海峡流量与ENSO密切相关。

    2009年05期 v.28 56-65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1545K]
  • 阿拉伯海东南海域盐度收支的季节变化



    2009年05期 v.28 66-74页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 775K]
  • 用Argo温盐资料估计印度尼西亚贯穿流多年平均地转输送



    2009年05期 v.28 75-82页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1012K]
  • 西太平洋副热带高压与海表温度的关系



    2009年05期 v.28 83-88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 457K]
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